Live the Season

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe in the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
Henry David Thoreau

It’s summertime, yogis and yoginis, and with longer days, brighter skies and the sun at its most radiant, we certainly hope the livin’ is easy!

We’re amazed at how it seems we were just thawing out from a severe winter and in the blink of an eye we’ll be heading into Fall. “Wait a second, the summer just got started and you’ve already got me into Fall?!?!?” We’re not trying to bum you out, dear friend, the reality is time flies, whether or not you’re having fun. So other than encouraging you to have fun, we encourage you to take Henry David Thoreau’s sage words above to heart – savor each and every season, each and every moment. Not by looking back, but as it passes. Just as yoga teaches us, breathe the air – full inhales and exhales.

With each season comes an array of sights, sounds, scents and tastes – drink the drink, taste the fruit – explore them all. The more you explore, the more you appreciate this incredible link you have to the earth, to nature, to others. A link that transcends “Friends and Family” plans, Facebook and Instagram. Don’t get us wrong, we dig all that too, but give us a day at the beach, with the sand under our feet, the smell of the Sound and a moment shared with a loved one– now that’s livin’, and it should be that easy.